Prior to your first massage/bodywork session with me, you will receive a complimentary consultation with me by phone or by live video of up to 30 minutes. To prepare for this session, please fill out the Health Information Form online at your earliest convenience. You’ll get an email with access instructions to this form when you book your consultation. Any information you share with me remains completely confidential and will not be shared unless you provide express written permission or it is required by law.
In our consultation we will discuss your goals for massage/bodywork and your health history, and put together a plan for a safe and effective first massage/bodywork session. When you book your first massage/bodywork session, you’ll receive a Prep Form to fill out online with some session-specific questions for you to answer.
When you arrive for your massage/bodywork session, I will be wearing a face mask, a changed set of outer clothing, and a face shield to protect you as much as possible. Upon entering my office I will require you to wear a face mask, worn properly over your nose and mouth and snug to the sides of your face.
We will then enter the massage room and discuss your session. I will let you know how to prepare, including how to position yourself on the massage table. I will then step out of the room for a few minutes to allow you to get comfortable and settled.
When I return to the room I will make sure you’re comfortable, make my initial contact with you and then proceed with the massage. The massage/bodywork room door will be open during your session for proper ventilation but the outer doors will be locked. You will receive my complete attention during your massage and you are in control. Should you feel uncomfortable at any time during the massage or want me to alter the massage at any time, please don’t hesitate to let me know. This is your massage and it should be completely comfortable for you.
If the modality you are receiving requires the use of a lubricant, I use a hypo-allergenic, unscented, organic massage cream exclusively in my practice. I provide the ingredients list in the Health Information Form you will fill out, in case you may be allergic to any of the ingredients.
During your massage, I will instruct you if there’s anything you need to do. If you are receiving a massage both on the front and back of your body, I will ask you to roll over when it’s time to do so. You will be completely covered by the sheet as you do this. For the portion of the massage when you are face down in the face cradle, I have a face cradle hammock available so you can temporarily remove your mask and breathe more freely.
During your session I may ask you to focus on your breathing during the massage or ask you for feedback on your comfort level or about sensations or changes you are noticing. Otherwise, you may just relax and I will take care of the rest. I invite you to relax fully and enjoy your massage by leaving your cares at the door and giving your full attention to how your body feels during the massage, sending your awareness to any areas of tension and asking them to relax.
After your massage, I will leave the room again and close the door to let you get up from the massage table, dress, and collect yourself. Please take the time you need and come out of the massage room when you are ready.
Immediately after your massage, you may feel deeply relaxed, thoughtful, reflective, more connected to the world around you, peaceful, and/or any combination of the above. After a time, if you received a Swedish or Deep Tissue massage you may feel a little sore in the areas of your body that were the focus of your session, where flushed-out toxins may linger before moving out of the body.
You should plan to take it easy for a while after your massage and drink plenty of water. Massage therapy can flush toxins from muscles and drinking water will assist your body in removing those toxins entirely.