Inner Nature Coaching and Bodywork

Helping you strengthen your connection with your inner wisdom for optimal wellness.

Do you suffer from chronic pain, stress, anxiety, or low energy that interferes with your living the life you want to?
Do you feel like your body is rebelling against you? Is it not as resilient, strong, and energetic as it used to be, and it’s letting you know loud and clear?
Have you been trying to take care of everyone else and putting yourself last for so long that your wellness is suffering?

If you’re drained, depleted, exhausted, stressed-out, or in pain, you’re in the right place and I can help. Even if you’ve tried to resolve these issues before and it didn’t work or worked but didn’t last, today is the day that can finally change for the better. You are more powerful than you know and I am in your corner.

The most important message I have for you is that YOU are the expert on YOU. Your inner wisdom already has the answers. It knows what your mind, body and spirit need most for optimal wellness. Working together we will uncover your boundless inner nature, and reopen and strengthen the lines of communication between you and your body so you will work together once again as a powerful team.

If you are ready to finally feel good in your skin, to rediscover stores of energy you never realized you had, and look to the future with excitement rather than dread, I would be honored to work with you.

“Before working with Trina I had chronic pain in my lower back that was debilitating in a lot of ways: I couldn’t play with my daughter, stand at the sink and wash dishes, pick items up off the floor. Being so limited was extremely frustrating. It also made me sad, knowing the limitations I had with interacting with my own family. As a result of working with Trina, my chronic lower back pain is gone. Working with Trina could be the breakthrough you need to start getting over chronic pain, like it was for me.”

– Laura

“My work and my family always came first and I put myself last. And one day I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize myself anymore. Trina helped me envision who I really am, and I found that part of me I’d forgotten and given up on years ago – the athletic, strong, healthy me. Now I look in the mirror and say ‘I’m back!’”

– Vickie S.

To learn more about how massage and bodywork can help you, even if you’re not in the Salem, Indiana, area, please explore my Massage page. To discover what your best next step is to a healthier you, and how I can help you make lasting changes in your overall wellness, check out my Coaching page.

Constantly Bombarded and Thrown Off Balance by What Is Happening Around You?

Get My Free Uncover Your Unshakable Calm Meditation!