Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources

May 22, 2023 Update:

I no longer require face masks be worn at my office, but still recommend them. If you would like to wear a mask but do not have one, I will be glad to provide you with a 3-ply surgical mask to wear. For client safety, I still wear an N95 mask and a face shield when working with massage/bodywork clients. 

August 12, 2022 Update: Monkeypox

For any clients concerned about the recently announced Monkeypox public health emergency, I am confident that this virus will not impact client safety at my office. Only symptomatic people are apparently able to transmit this virus, and Monkeypox symptoms are already contraindications for massage therapy. For more information on Monkeypox, please visit these links: “Monkeypox: What Should Massage Therapists Be Watching?” and “U.S. Monkeypox Outbreak (CDC).”

July 13, 2022 Update

I’ve noticed that the COVIDActNow site I use now for practice guidelines includes hospital admissions data quite prominently in its threat level assessment. Because the Washington County hospital doesn’t treat COVID-19 patients, the COVIDActNow site is using hospital admissions for Baptist Health Floyd Hospital in Floyd County for this part of the assessment. I can understand that but it seems to me to be unfairly skewing the threat level for our county if our other numbers are in the Low or Medium threat levels. For this reason, when our threat level is High, but it’s only because of hospitalizations in Floyd County, I’m considering that a Medium risk as far as my practice is concerned. I’ll continue to work with all clients regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status. I may consider working only with COVID-19 vaccinated clients and clients who have recently recovered from COVID-19 (natural immunity) if the weekly cases or infection rate is High in Washington County.  

April 15, 2022 Update

The Indiana government changed its COVID-19 reporting structure and no longer provides a map with advisory levels. Now the map is various shades of yellow and to be honest, I can’t make any sense of it. So I’ve switched to using the COVIDActNow reporting structure. Washington County remains in the “Low” threat level and as long as that’s the case, I will continue working with all clients regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status.

March 10, 2022 Update

I am thrilled to report that in yesterday evening’s Indiana COVID-19 report, Washington County is now in the Yellow advisory zone. This means that I am resuming working with all clients regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status.

This past week’s numbers were classified in the Blue so this means that in next Wednesday’s report, we will hopefully be officially in the Blue advisory level. (Please note that Indiana lowers the advisory level only after two full weeks of numbers at the lower level.)  

March 2, 2022 Update

The Indiana government COVID-19 report page has been changed slightly. The map is now updated by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays rather than by noon. We are still in the “Red” advisory zone for Washington County as of today at 9:47 a.m. but the numbers are on the decline, so hopefully we will be lowered to Orange soon and then Yellow. You can now see the current advisory level here by hovering over the county and looking at the listed color for the “advisory level.” The map color reflects only the current week’s numbers, not the advisory level. The numbers need to be low enough for two weeks before the level is lowered. 

February 3, 2022 Update

In Washington County, we are currently in the Red advisory zone per the Indiana government. We have been for a few weeks now and the numbers will need to come way down before we will be back in the Orange, and then the Yellow advisory zone. The positivity rate needs to be below 15% and the weekly number of cases under 200 to reach the Orange level, and right now, the positivity is above 30% and the number of cases over 1,200. As I post this update, the whole state of Indiana is in the Red advisory zone. I will post again when we are dropped to the Orange advisory zone. 

December 11, 2021 Update

We are still in the Orange advisory zone in Washington County for COVID-19. I will update this page when the advisory zone changes. You can also check the current advisory level yourself by clicking here, scrolling down to the “County Distributions” section (where you see the state map), selecting the tab “County Metrics,” and then selecting the Map Filter “Advisory Level” from the drop-down menu.

Because of the frequent updates I’ve been making on this page, my COVID-19 practices and policies are way down the page now, so I’m including them just below for your convenience. 

Here is what I’m doing to protect you:

COVID-19 Vaccination: I have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and have also received the booster. If you would like to see my vaccination card, I will be glad to show it to you. When Washington County, Indiana, is in the Orange or Red advisory zone per the Indiana government weekly report, which comes out on Wednesdays at noon, I work only with clients who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. When Washington County is in the Blue or Yellow advisory zone, I work with all clients, vaccinated and unvaccinated for COVID-19. The Delta variant is so much more contagious than the original COVID-19, I am not confident I can keep unvaccinated clients safe when the infection rate is high locally, even with all the extra precautions I take. 

New Health Information Form and Prep Form: I have a new Health Information Form updated for COVID-19 that all clients after March 2020 forward will need to fill out once. For each specific massage/bodywork session, there will be a quick Prep Form to fill out to provide health updates (if any) and goals for the session.

Phone or Video Consultation Before Your First Session After March 2020: Instead of discussing your Health Information Form in person when you come for your session, you will receive a complimentary consultation with me by phone or live video prior to your first in-person session after March 2020. If you are a returning client, you can book that session here. If you will be a new client, you can book that session here. This consultation will minimize talking time for our session, allow us to discuss your health history and your goals for massage/bodywork without feeling rushed, and maximize hands-on time at your first session. I’m setting aside up to 30 minutes for the consultation, and I ask that you fill out your Health Information Form online beforehand to save time.

Enhanced Office Ventilation: I have a desktop HEPA filter and a large-capacity floor HEPA filter, as well as a window exhaust fan in the massage room and, when needed, a window intake fan in the waiting area, to maximize air quality. I monitor air quality at my office with a carbon dioxide meter and have been able to keep carbon dioxide levels within or close to normal outdoor levels (under 600 ppm) with up to three people present in the office. I have installed in my heating/cooling system a high-filtration filter that is replaced as recommended by the manufacturer. The massage room door will be closed at the beginning and end of a session for client privacy while undressing and dressing but will be open during the session to maximize air flow. Also, there is a one-hour gap between in-person sessions to allow for cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation.

My Attire: Physical distancing is not possible during massage of course, so for client safety when I’m in proximity, I wear personal protective equipment. For each client I wear a fresh set of outer clothing, a surgical 3-ply face mask, a face shield, and clean nitrile gloves. The gloves are to protect you from my dry, cracked hands (that feel like sandpaper). The special gloves I use are like a second skin; I can feel very well through them, and they have a silky touch. Clients so far have said they wouldn’t have known I was using gloves if I hadn’t told them.

Cleaning and Disinfection: Between clients, I clean and disinfect all surfaces contacted by me, the client, and the client’s belongings with cleaners and disinfectants approved by the EPA as effective against COVID-19. The disinfectant I use is also environmentally friendly and safe for use even in food preparation areas. I store clean massage linens in separate individual sets in vacuum-sealed bags when not in use, and launder used linens in hot water. Once a week I do a more thorough cleaning and disinfection of surfaces that are not high touch.

Two-hour sessions are no longer available: While I have always enjoyed 2-hour sessions with clients, it is my professional judgment that the 2-hour session length would not be safe or helpful at the current time so I have discontinued this session length, at least for the time being.

Self-Screening: I take my temperature each day before working with clients and will reschedule your session if I have any symptoms of illness. I follow COVID-19 precautions outside my business hours such as mask-wearing and physical distancing when in public places.

Here is what I ask of you to protect yourself and your fellow clients:

Face Masks Required: Per massage therapy organization and CDC guidelines even for those who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and because we cannot maintain physical distancing due to the nature of bodywork, I require all who enter my office to wear a face mask, properly covering both nose and mouth and snug to the sides of the face. Please wear your own mask to your session but if you forget to bring it, I will provide you with a 3-ply surgical mask to wear before you enter. The only exception to the face mask requirement is during the time the client’s face is fully placed in the face cradle. I have a face cradle hammock in place that can serve as a temporary face mask while allowing for freer breathing. If the face cradle hammock is not comfortable we can adjust your positioning to not require the face-down position.

Reschedule your appointment for a later date if you are in any way unwell. If you have any symptoms of illness, please reschedule for a later time. I will insist on rescheduling if you come to your session with any symptoms of illness. Coming for a massage when you are ill is not just potentially detrimental to others but to you as well – massage/bodywork can make you sicker, faster. My cancellation policy remains unchanged. There is no penalty to reschedule as long as you let me know in advance. Up to 12 hours before your appointment you can cancel online. After that, please call or text me to let me know you’re canceling. The more notice you can give me, the better of course, so that I can make your session time available for someone else.

Touchless Payment Preferred: It is not required but I invite you to put a credit card on file in my HIPAA-secure system so you may pay for your sessions in a touchless way. To do this, choose the “Pay Online” option when you book online or log into my secure portal and update your billing information there. When you choose to Pay Online, your card will not be charged automatically. I will manually charge your card at the end of your session. If your massage/bodywork session is not prepaid and you would like to pay in cash, please bring exact change.

Indoor Waiting Area Changes: When you arrive for your session I ask that you wait in your vehicle until I let you know you can come in. If a client is under 18, they may be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The office door will be locked when in session. If more than one friend or family member comes with you, I ask that they wait outdoors or in a vehicle. Also, when Washington County is in the Orange or Red advisory zone for COVID-19, anyone who enters my massage office in addition to the client must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

November 24, 2021 Update

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Unfortunately, the trend in this week’s Indiana COVID-19 report is not good. We are still firmly in the Orange advisory zone and both the number of cases and positivity went up. When the trend reverses, I will update this page. In the meantime, I am open for massage and bodywork sessions for clients who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. I am not confident I can keep unvaccinated people safe at my office while the COVID-19 numbers are so high.

November 18, 2021 Update

This week’s COVID-19 report by the Indiana government was disappointing. We’re still in the Orange advisory level because the weekly case count went up again. The positivity is still going down though, so hopefully next week we will be back down in the Yellow advisory zone. I’ll update this page accordingly.

November 10, 2021 Update

Today’s Indiana government COVID-19 report is very encouraging! Washington County’s numbers this past week have been way down, in the Blue category, which is the lowest COVID-19 infection rate and risk level. Indiana will not change the Advisory Zone level until the numbers stay low for 2 weeks, but if this trend continues for next Wednesday’s report, we will be in a lower-risk zone again – Yellow or Blue – mid-week next week. 

October 28, 2021 Update

After only one week in the Yellow Advisory Zone for COVID-19 per the Indiana government, Washington County has been returned to the Orange Advisory Zone due to a dramatic increase in new weekly cases and a test positivity increase. I was shocked that the trend changed so abruptly when it looked like we were doing well in the county.

Due to the fact that the chance of a fully vaccinated person getting COVID-19 and passing it to another fully vaccinated person is extremely low, and because I have been fully vaccinated and have received the booster, I have decided to remain open for massage and bodywork only for fully vaccinated clients when Washington County, Indiana, COVID-19 numbers are high, indicated by the Orange or Red advisory zone per the Indiana government.

When the county is in the Yellow or Blue advisory zone per the Indiana government, I will be open for massage and bodywork sessions for unvaccinated clients as well. Client safety is of the utmost importance to me and I am not confident I can keep unvaccinated clients safe enough from COVID-19 in my office when the county numbers are so high.

I will update this page again when the status returns to Yellow or Blue. However, you can also check the current advisory level yourself by clicking here, scrolling down to the “County Distributions” section (where you see the state map), selecting the tab “County Metrics,” and then selecting the Map Filter “Advisory Level” from the drop-down menu.

October 25, 2021 Update

Washington County is now once again in the Yellow Advisory Zone for COVID-19 so I have resumed massage/bodywork sessions at my office in Salem, Indiana. I am still taking all safety precautions I did when I reopened after the Alpha COVID-19 wave had passed in early May. Please see previous updates below for more details on the precautions I’m taking.

For clients, the most important thing is that I’m still requiring face masks to be worn properly by everyone who enters my massage therapy office.

October 18, 2021 Update

The Indiana government puts out its COVID-19 report for counties every Wednesday at noon. The October 13, 2021, report was very encouraging for Washington County. The positivity rate and case count both decreased. If this trend continues, the Indiana government could move Washington County to the Yellow Advisory Zone as soon as Wednesday, October 20, 2021. I am closely monitoring this report and will resume in-person sessions as soon as Washington County has been restored to the Yellow or Blue advisory zone. 

I’ve received the COVID-19 booster to keep clients as safe as possible. When I resume, the same requirements will be in place (face masks required, reschedule if you’re in any way feeling unwell, etc.). I look forward to resuming in-person sessions once again.

August 2021 Update

While I reopened in May 2021 for in-person massage/bodywork sessions, due to the Washington County resurgence of COVID-19 caused by the Delta variant, as of July 28, 2021, I have once again temporarily suspended in-person massage/bodywork sessions. Here are the main factors influencing my decision:

  • In the CDC’s internal report just before new public guidance was released, it is stated that: 1) While vaccinated people are 3 times less likely to be infected with the Delta variant, once infected they have the same viral load as unvaccinated (meaning they are equally likely to transmit it to others as unvaccinated people). 2) The Delta variant is much more contagious than the original (Alpha) COVID-19. If you became infected with the Alpha COVID-19, you would likely spread it to 1-2 other people. For the Delta variant, it is the same transmission rate as Chickenpox, which is spread to 8-9 other people on average. 3) Studies are showing that the Delta variant causes more severe illness than the Alpha COVID-19.
  • Hospitalizations, ICU bed use, and ventilator use due to COVID-19 in nearby Louisville, Kentucky, are increasing dramatically
  • Washington County is in the High Risk category (the highest risk level) for COVID-19 per the CDC, the Orange advisory zone per the Indiana government, and the High Risk zone per Covid Act Now.

I will continue to monitor the county status and currently plan to return to in-person massage/bodywork sessions once the Indiana government has returned Washington County to the Yellow or Blue Advisory zone for COVID-19.

In the meantime, if you have not been to see me for massage/bodywork since I reopened in May 2021, please feel free to go ahead and schedule your complimentary phone or video consultation for massage/bodywork now. Then when I reopen we can schedule your first in-person session right away. Also, check out my Body Insight sessions to assist you in relieving pain and stress by phone or video.

I am taking this action because your safety is of the utmost importance to me. I look forward to working with you in-person once again and may that day arrive very soon!

July 2021 Update

I encourage you to read the April 2021 Update below for the details about my practice and policy changes for in-person massage/bodywork sessions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is just a quick note that for clients who are unable to complete the Health Information Form online, I am holding consultations in-person just prior to the first massage/bodywork session. 

April 2021 Update

In March 2020, before it was mandated by the Indiana government, I ceased in-person sessions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety and health of my clients is of the utmost importance to me and in the time since then, I’ve studied and learned a great deal about what I can do to resume in-person sessions in the safest way possible. I am confident that with the current COVID-19 conditions in Washington County, and the updates I’ve made to my policies, practices, and facilities, based on regulations and guidelines set forth by massage-specific organizations and government agencies, I can resume in-person sessions beginning on May 10, 2021. 

Here is what I’m doing to protect you:

  • Online Form Updates: Since it has been over a year since I’ve seen any of my massage/bodywork clients and so much has changed due to COVID-19, I have an updated Health Information Form for you to fill out, preferably online from home rather than by coming early to my office. Then before each massage/bodywork session, I’ll send you a brief online Prep Form to fill out, asking you a few COVID-19 screening questions and what your goals are for the specific session.
  • Phone or Video Consultation Before Your First Post-COVID-19 Session: Instead of discussing your Health Information Form in person when you come for your session, you will receive a complimentary consultation with me by phone or live video prior to your first post-COVID-19 in-person session. This is partly a COVID-19 precaution to minimize talking time for our session, but will also allow us to discuss your health history and your goals for massage/bodywork without feeling rushed, and maximize hands-on time at your first session. I’m setting aside up to 30 minutes for the consultation and I ask that you fill out your Health Information Form beforehand to save time.
  • Office Ventilation Updates: In addition to the desktop HEPA filter I’ve always had in the massage room, I now have a larger-capacity floor HEPA filter, as well as a window exhaust fan in the massage room and a window intake fan in the waiting area, to maximize air quality. I monitor air quality at my office with a carbon dioxide meter and have been able to keep carbon dioxide levels within or close to normal outdoor levels (under 600 ppm) with two people present in the office. I have installed in my heating/cooling system a high-filtration filter that is replaced as recommended by the manufacturer. The massage room door will be closed at the beginning and end of a session for client privacy while undressing and dressing but will be open during the session to maximize air flow. Also, there will be an hour gap between in-person sessions to allow for cleaning, disinfection and ventilation.
  • My Attire: It is impossible to give a massage therapy session from 6 feet away, of course, so for client safety when I’m in proximity I wear personal protective equipment. For each client I wear a fresh set of outer clothing (a clean, long-sleeved top and pants), a surgical 3-ply face mask, a face shield, and clean nitrile gloves. The gloves are to protect you from my dry, cracked hands. The special gloves I use are like a second skin, I can feel very well through them and they have a silky touch so you probably won’t notice a difference.  
  • Cleaning and Disinfection: It has always been my practice between clients to clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs and areas where clothing and belongings have been placed, but I now also clean and disinfect between clients the floor areas where bare feet may contact it. For surfaces that do not lend themselves to disinfection many times a day, I have applied waterproof covers that may be easily disinfected. I use a disinfectant approved by the EPA as effective against COVID-19 that is also environmentally friendly and safe for use even in food preparation areas. I have always changed massage table linens between clients of course, but I now store each client’s massage linens in separate sets in vacuum-sealed bags when not in use. Once a week I do a more thorough cleaning and disinfect surfaces that are not high-touch, such as carpeting outside the barefoot zone, blinds, and curtains.
  • Vaccination: I have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19. If you would like to see my vaccination card, I will be glad to show it to you.
  • Two-hour sessions are no longer available: While I have always enjoyed 2-hour sessions with clients, it is my professional judgment that the 2-hour session length would not be safe or helpful at the current time so I have discontinued this session length, at least for the time being.
  • Self-Screening: I will take my temperature each day before working with clients and will reschedule your session if I have any symptoms of illness. I will continue to follow COVID-19 precautions outside my business hours such as mask-wearing and physical distancing.


Here is what I ask of you to protect yourself and your fellow clients:

  • Face Masks Required: Per massage therapy organization and CDC guidelines even for those who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and because we cannot maintain physical distancing due to the nature of bodywork, I require all who enter my office to wear a face mask, properly covering both nose and mouth and snug to the sides of the face. Please wear your own mask to your session but if you forget to bring it, I will provide you with a 3-ply surgical mask to wear before you enter. The only exception to the face mask requirement is during the time the client’s face is fully placed in the face cradle. I have a face cradle hammock in place that can serve as a temporary face mask while allowing for freer breathing. If the face cradle hammock is not comfortable we can adjust your positioning to not require the face-down position.
  • Reschedule your appointment for a later date if you are in any way unwell. If you have any symptoms of illness, please reschedule for a later time. I will insist on rescheduling if you come to your session with any symptoms of illness. Coming for a massage when you are ill is not just potentially detrimental to others but to you as well – massage/bodywork can make you sicker, faster. My cancellation policy remains unchanged. There is no penalty to reschedule as long as you let me know in advance. Up to 12 hours before your appointment you can cancel online. After that, please call or text me to let me know you’re canceling. The more notice you can give me, the better of course, so that I can make your session time available for someone else.
  • Touchless Payment Preferred: It is not required but I invite you to put a credit card on file in my HIPAA-secure system so you may pay for your sessions in a touchless way. I would manually charge your card on file for your session through my system rather than physically taking your card to insert in my card reader. If your massage/bodywork session is not prepaid and you would like to pay in cash, please bring exact change.
  • Indoor Waiting Area Closed: When you arrive for your session I ask that you wait in your vehicle until I let you know you can come in. If a client is under 18, they may be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The office door will be locked when in session and I ask that any friends and family members wait outdoors or in a vehicle. 
  • Hand Washing and Temperature Check: After you arrive I will ask you to wash your hands or apply hand sanitizer before your session, and I will check your temperature with a touchless thermometer.


Here are other changes I’ve made:

  • Faster, More Streamlined Online Booking: I’ve configured my online scheduling system to allow you to choose a combination of the consultation and your first massage/bodywork session so you can schedule them both easily with fewer clicks. I’ve also consolidated all massage/bodywork sessions under a single “massage/bodywork” session type so you don’t have to look for and choose a specific type of session when you book a session or purchase a package of multiple sessions.
  • Booking Change for 30-Minute Sessions: I have removed from my online booking system the 30-minute session length due to feasibility issues with this very short session length. I will honor stand-alone 30-minute massages for 2020 Salem Leader Mother’s Day gift certificate holders and email gift recipients for emails dated between January 2020 and April 25, 2021. However, in redeeming these gifts I strongly encourage booking a longer session and receiving a $30 discount, rather than booking a 30-minute stand-alone session. To book a stand-alone 30-minute session to redeem a gift certificate or email gift, please call or text me, or reach out to me through my Contact page.
  • $10 Rate Increase: The cost of protecting clients’ health has skyrocketed with all the additional equipment and supplies needed, the higher demand on utilities, specialized training, and the additional time needed to consult with clients by phone or video rather than in-person and properly clean, disinfect, and ventilate my massage office between clients. So that I may continue to provide massage therapy and bodywork in a way that protects clients’ health to the best of my ability, I have raised my 60-minute and 90-minute massage/bodywork rates by $10 and adjusted membership and package rates accordingly.
  • More Hands-On Session Time: By changing our pre-session conversation to be done online, by phone or live video, the time of your in-person session will be maximized for hands-on time.
  • Referral No Longer Needed for New Male Clients: I’ve altered my massage/bodywork screening process for new clients to foster inclusion and equity and protect safety, eliminating the need for new male clients to have a referral to book with me.

If you have any questions about these changes, please contact me. I have made every effort to ensure your safety in addition to making your session relaxing and enjoyable. I look forward to seeing you soon!


Trina key 

Here are some quick links to get you started:

  • If you’re a returning client ready to schedule your first-since-COVID-19 massage/bodywork session (with your complimentary consultation), click here, choose the Office Location, and choose a ‘package’ of your consultation and your choice of a 60-minute massage/bodywork session or a 90-minute massage/bodywork session. 
  • If you’re a returning client who has outstanding package or membership massage/bodywork sessions to schedule, I’ve added your consultation to your package. To schedule it, log into my secure portal and go to Packages, click Book Next, and then select and book the Consultation. You can also click here and then click the Manage Appointments link and find the consultation there to schedule.  
  • If you’re a new client ready to schedule your first-ever complimentary consultation and massage/bodywork session, click here, choose Office Location, and your choice of a consultation plus a 60-minute or 90-minute massage/bodywork session. 
  • If you have a Mother’s Day gift certificate from the Salem Leader for 2020 and want to schedule a stand-alone 30-minute massage/bodywork session, call or text me at 812-569-1912 or contact me through my website by clicking here.
  • If you want to put a credit card on file with me, you can do that anytime through my secure portal by clicking here if you have previously set up a portal account (created your own password). If you don’t yet have a secure portal account set up, click here to request one.

August 2020 Update

In mid-March 2020, after careful research and much thought, I suspended in-person sessions because of COVID-19 when I determined that I could not keep my massage therapy clients safe no matter what precautions I took. I thought at the time that things would be back to normal after a short time. Yet conditions in Salem, Indiana, and across the state are worse now than they were then. While much is still unknown about COVID-19, much of what is known now is extremely sobering. I would never have dreamed that massage therapy, which I have always known to be so incredibly beneficial, would become a life-threatening activity, but that’s where things stand.

I have determined that the best and only choice I can make is to remain closed for in-person sessions for the time being. My current plan is to reopen for in-person work once there have been major breakthroughs with regard to the prevention, treatment and eradication of COVID-19 such as the widespread availability of an effective vaccine, effective treatment that lessens the severity of COVID-19 infection, and safe massage practices and effective screening for its symptoms and long-term effects. Below is a visual aid I created to show some of the factors that have influenced my decision. Here’s a PDF version of this graphic you can download. I encourage you to reach out to me with any questions. 

While I have stopped in-person sessions in the near term, I have not stopped caring about my massage therapy clients. I am still here to offer support in other ways. I learned a technique in April 2020 that’s effective and safe in releasing stress and pain, and it is practiced over the phone or by live video. I continue to offer these Body Insight sessions, and they are the same rate as massage therapy sessions ($60 for an hour-long session, for example). I encourage you to schedule one risk-free: You never have to leave your home, and I trust their value so much that if at the end of your session you do not feel a benefit from it, I will not charge you for the session. You can click on this link to learn more. 

For clients who have unused package sessions, membership sessions, or personalized gift certificates, these have no expiration date so I’m happy to honor them once I reopen for in-person sessions. Or if you’d prefer not to wait for me to reopen, I’ll be happy to arrange for a refund. Please contact me if you have any questions about these. For those who have a 2020 Salem Leader Mother’s Day gift certificate, I am extending that printed expiration date out a day for every day past May 10, 2020 (Mother’s Day) that I remain closed for in-person sessions. Please contact me to be added to my list to be contacted once I reopen.

I wish you the absolute best. Stay safe and well.



Massage Therapy and COVID-19 Diagram


References for the above graphic

Testing Issues:


Transmission Risk:


Long-term Health Effects & Massage Safety:


Contagious Timeframe and Reinfection Possibility:


Vaccine and Effective Treatment Timeline:


Ventilation Issues: