
Ban Pity and Practice Empowerment

When something awful happens to people we know or to strangers we hear about in the news, it is natural to feel compassion and want to help. But there’s one thing we can probably all agree is not wanted or needed: pity. Pity saps the energy right out of both the recipient and the giver and leaves both feeling powerless. What we need is empowerment.

Which expression of comfort and support below would you want your family, friends, and even strangers thinking or saying? And which one would you feel better thinking or expressing to someone else?:

“You poor thing! I don’t know how I could cope with something like this. I feel so sorry for you and what you must be going through.”


“You are surrounded by love and support and I know you have the strength and courage to get through this difficult time. I send you prayers of healing.”

Words, whether thought or spoken, can heal and empower. What do you think others need most to hear from you? What do you need to hear from others and even from yourself?

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