I have this little gem of a book called How to Heal Toxic Thoughts: Simple Tools for Personal Transformation by Sandra Ingerman. When I ordered it I thought it would be much bigger than it turned out to be. When I opened the package I received in the mail, my first reaction was, “I paid that much for this teeny little book? What a rip-off!” But when I read it I found it jam-packed with amazing insights and tools to use in daily life, my favorite of which is breathing through the heart.
Pope Francis said, “If our heart is closed, if our heart is made of stone, then the stones will end up in our hands, and we will be ready to throw them at someone.” I’ve found that breathing through the heart is a great way to feel what it’s like to open your heart to others, to fill yourself with compassion.
As you breathe, imagine that the air you are taking in and exhaling is coming in and out through your heart. Try this when you are alone or in the company of other people. I find that when I do this my breathing becomes deeper, my outlook shifts to become more positive and more centered, I’m more at peace, I feel more connected to the people around me, and my compassion for others is heightened. It feels vulnerable but wonderful. I change, for the better.
Give it a try and please comment on what it felt like for you to do this. Did it change your perspective?