“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” – Chinese Proverb
I chose this quote above to begin my first ever blog post because there are so many lessons packed into those two sentences. Doesn’t just reading that quote cause you to relax a little, to let go a little? It does me. It also serves as a good reminder to me to allow this blog to grow and evolve without trying to force it. What lesson(s) do you see in this quote?
I’ve wanted to start a massage therapy blog on my site for several years. It took until now for me to begin, partly because I wasn’t sure anything I could write would be helpful to anyone, and partly because the idea of committing to writing regularly in a public way is a little, well, scary. What finally caused me to take the leap was the strong desire to have a particular conversation with you.
My goal for this blog is to create an online space focused on increasing and enhancing wellness, not on avoiding disease. There’s plenty of the latter out there on the Web as it is. I want this blog, with your help, to inspire and empower us to live and feel better, not to scare us into doing it with stories or studies about how this food causes cancer or that practice shortens your life. Let’s explore together ways we can become healthier, more resilient, and joyful. We, our communities, and even the world will become better for it. Are you with me?