There’s a ton of controversy and confusion about which foods are healthy or unhealthy. It seems even the most reputable sources disagree. Every day some study is cited that ‘proves’ a food is good or bad for you. So how do you sort through all the contradictory information to make healthier food choices? Who do you trust to help you decide what to eat?
It seems to be assumed by most of the experts that what we consider healthy foods are healthy for everyone. But that just doesn’t work because we’re all unique. Our bodies respond differently to specific foods and specific ways of preparing foods.
What is a healthy food?
My definition of a healthy food is one that makes you feel better in a lasting way after you eat it. It’s that simple. After you eat a food that’s healthy for you, you may feel lighter, stronger, more energetic, refreshed, clearer-thinking, uplifted in mood, more resilient, even happier.
An unhealthy food is one that makes you feel worse. After eating an unhealthy food you might feel sluggish, foggy-minded, bloated, nauseated, irritable, sleepy, confused, depressed, and the list goes on.
Who is the best authority on healthy food?
YOU are the best authority on the food that’s healthiest for you. Your inner wisdom sends you signals constantly to guide you, and when you tune into those signals, you can find the healthiest foods for you, the foods you thrive on.
In our busy lives though, it’s hard to maintain that connection to our inner expert, to read the signals it’s sending. What’s even harder is acting accordingly on the messages we receive. Habits are so powerful and food habits are particularly so.
Above all, if you ever find yourself craving a food and eating it even after you got the message loud and clear from your body that it is not the best choice for you, don’t beat yourself up. There’s nothing wrong with you and you’re not alone. Treat yourself with compassion and get curious.
Whenever you crave a food that feels like an unhealthy choice for you, ask yourself these questions:
- What about this food is most appealing to me?
- What are 3 positive adjectives I would use to describe this food?
- Where am I missing these 3 qualities in my life?
- What action steps might I take to incorporate more of these qualities in my life?
For example, if I find myself constantly munching cookies that are sweet, delectable, and fun, how might I add more of those qualities to my life?
What qualities do you want more of in your life? Please let me know in the comments below.